Growing a beard has become a powerful symbol of confidence, style, and self-expression. Whether you're a seasoned beardsman or just starting your facial hair journey, this article will guide you through the nitty gritty of beard growth, even if you don’t have a single hair on that chin.
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How Long Does It Take To Grow a Beard?
There’s no one-size-fits-all timeline for beard growth. However, beards typically grow half an inch per month. Don’t give up during the first few weeks; give yourself about two months before you decide to continue or call it quits. Remember: patience is a virtue.
Consider these five tips for faster beard growth:
1. Stop Shaving
If you want a beard, stop shaving. Put the razor down and walk away.
2. Stay Hydrated
Drinking plenty of water helps keep your beard and skin hydrated, encouraging beard growth.
3. Exercise Regularly
Pumping iron increases blood flow, which can stimulate hair follicles.
4. Get Enough Sleep
Getting enough sleep matters. Poor sleep can reduce your body’s ability to create melatonin, resulting in possible hair loss.
5. Use Beard Products
Products like beard wash, beard oils, and beard butters formulated with key ingredients such as vitamins and essential oils can help nourish your facial hair and stimulate growth.
Beard Growth Timeline: What To Expect
You’ve made the commitment and decided to take the plunge on beard growth. We’re stoked for you. Growing a beard is a journey that goes through different phases—and it’s not all rainbows and butterflies during each phase.

Here’s what to expect when you’re growing a beard:
The Itchy Phase
In the early stages, your beard may feel itchy due to new stubble. Regularly moisturize your new beard sprouts with a beard oil or balm to alleviate any discomfort. A soothing beard serum can also provide relief.
The Patchy Phase
As your beard fills in, you may notice some areas with sparse hair growth. Don’t panic. Different areas of your beard may grow at different rates, so don’t get discouraged and just let it grow.
The Awkward Phase
This is the stage where your beard may look untamed and uneven. Stay patient and resist the urge to trim it prematurely. If your mane is looking exceptionally wild, you might want to pay a visit to your barber.
The Growth Phase
Finally, your beard starts to take shape, becoming thicker and more defined. Keep up the good work, and let that bad boy continue to grow.
Setting Your Beard Edges
You might be wondering what in the world “edges” are. Think of edges as a boundary for your beard. Defining your beard’s edges in the beginning stages of your beard growth journey helps keep it tidy. Keeping your neckline and cheeks trimmed is what separates you from the deadbeat guy down the block.
If you want to grow your beard, do it with purpose and define those edges.
Trimming Your Beard
Knowing when and how to trim your beard is key to maintaining its shape and style. Regular trims also help prevent beard split ends, which can hinder growth. If you’re new at trimming your beard, then you likely don’t have the right tools and products. Invest in a decent trimmer and shears. Never use kitchen scissors, as the blades aren’t sharp enough and can produce a wonky cut.
Boost Your Beard Growth With BLESSED MEN
Expert beard growers and barbers alike recommend that you start using quality beard products right away when washing and conditioning your beard. Don’t start your beard growth journey until you have the proper tools in your arsenal.
Check out our collection of products and grow a beard that has the wow factor you want. Get everything your beard needs in one click and shop BLESSED MEN’s Vegan Beard Care Bundle.